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Was that You, Raccoon, really the host of COVID-19?

by Quick Picker 2023. 3. 18.


The origins of COVID-19 have been a subject of much debate and speculation since the virus first emerged in Wuhan, China in late 2019. Theories about the virus' origins have ranged from the Wuhan seafood market to a lab leak, but one question that has remained unanswered is the identity of the virus' host. Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) has criticized China for concealing information about the host of COVID-19, the raccoon dog, for three years.

Background Information

Raccoon dog
Was that You, Raccoon, really the host of COVID-19?

The raccoon dog is a wild animal native to East Asia that is sometimes kept as a pet in China. It is known to be a carrier of coronaviruses, and some scientists believe it may have played a role in the emergence of COVID-19. However, the exact origins of the virus remain unknown, and there is no conclusive evidence that the raccoon dog was the original host.


The WHO has criticized China for concealing information about the raccoon dog and other potential hosts of COVID-19 for three years, saying that this has hindered efforts to understand the origins of the virus and prevent future pandemics. The organization has also called for greater transparency and cooperation from China in investigating the origins of COVID-19.


China has defended its handling of the COVID-19 outbreak, saying that it has been transparent and cooperative in sharing information with the international community. However, the WHO's criticism highlights the ongoing controversy surrounding the origins of the virus and China's role in the pandemic.

The WHO's call for greater transparency and cooperation from China is particularly significant given the ongoing spread of COVID-19 variants and the potential for future pandemics. Understanding the origins of COVID-19 is crucial for preventing future outbreaks and ensuring global health security.

The controversy surrounding the origins of COVID-19 has also had a significant impact on diplomatic relations between China and other countries, particularly the United States. The Biden administration has called for a more thorough investigation into the origins of the virus, and tensions between the two countries remain high.


The WHO's criticism of China for concealing information about the potential host of COVID-19 highlights the ongoing controversy and speculation surrounding the origins of the virus. It also underscores the importance of transparency and cooperation in investigating and preventing future pandemics. As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing

COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial that all countries work together to promote global health security and prevent future outbreaks.
