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From Falcons to Fowls: North Korea's Bird-Brained National Identity Crisis 참매에서 까치로 다운그레이드?

by Quick Picker 2023. 3. 18.

The recent news about North Korea changing its national bird from the "Gyrfalcon" to the "Magpie" has sparked 

discussions and debates across the globe. Many have been wondering what this change means for the country's image and military power.

From a fighter Jet to a World War 1 style fighter?
Has North Korea finally come to its senses?

To provide some context, national birds are symbolic animals that represent a country's identity and values. In the case of North Korea, the Gyrfalcon was chosen as its national bird in 1948 due to its strength and ferocity, which symbolized the country's military power and independence. However, in 2021, the government announced that it would be changing the national bird to the Magpie, which is known for its intelligence and social behavior.

While some have praised this change as a positive move towards a more peaceful and diplomatic image for North Korea, others have expressed concerns about the country's military power. It is well-known that the Gyrfalcon is a powerful bird of prey, while the Magpie is much smaller and weaker in comparison. Some have speculated that this change could signify a downgrading of North Korea's military power from the level of the Gyrfalcon to that of the Magpie.

It is worth noting that national birds are not unique to North Korea, and many other countries also have their own 

symbolic animals. For example, the United States has the Bald Eagle, which represents freedom and independence, 

while India has the Peacock, which symbolizes beauty and grace. Some countries have even more unique national 

animals, such as the Komodo Dragon of Indonesia, the Unicorn of Scotland, and the Kiwi of New Zealand.

In conclusion, while the change in North Korea's national bird from the Gyrfalcon to the Magpie may have some 

symbolic implications, it remains to be seen whether it will have any significant impact on the country's military power. 

Only time will tell how this decision will ultimately affect North Korea's image and relations with other countries around the world.
